• ArtyA Purity Stairway to Heaven The Hypnotic Dance of Time
  • ArtyA Purity Stairway to Heaven

    The Hypnotic Dance of Time

    Hourstriker Staff
    Words by: Hourstriker Staff
    March 27, 2024
  • In the realm of high-end watchmaking, where heritage and tradition reign supreme, Geneva-based ArtyA has carved out a distinct niche with its audacious and unconventional timepieces. Founded in 2009 by master watchmaker Yvan Arpa, ArtyA has consistently defied expectations, incorporating unexpected materials like fossilized dinosaur droppings, butterfly wings, and even real spiders into its watch designs. The brand's commitment to pushing the boundaries of creative expression is on full display with its latest release, the Purity Stairway to Heaven watch, unveiled at Watches & Wonders 2024.

    ArtyA's story began in 2009 with Yvan Arpa's vision to challenge the status quo of watchmaking. Arpa, a seasoned industry veteran with a background working for major watch brands, possessed a deep understanding of the traditional Swiss watchmaking industry. Yet, he craved the freedom to experiment and create timepieces that were as much works of art as they were instruments for measuring time.

    Courtesy of ArtyA
    Courtesy of ArtyA

    Right from the outset, ArtyA established itself as a brand that dared to be different. The company's early collections showcased Arpa's willingness to embrace unconventional materials. Watches featuring meteorite dials, genuine shark skin straps, and even Damascus steel cases became ArtyA's signature. These unconventional material choices were not merely aesthetic; they were a testament to Arpa's belief that watchmaking should not be confined by tradition.

    In 2021, ArtyA unveiled the Purity concept, a new chapter in the brand's evolution. The Purity collection marked a return to a more minimalist aesthetic, focusing on the beauty of the mechanical movement itself. With the Purity collection, ArtyA didn't abandon its commitment to innovation, rather, it channeled it into meticulous engineering and a relentless pursuit of transparency.

    The Purity Stairway to Heaven represents the culmination of ArtyA's design philosophy. The watch features a stunning skeletonized manufacture caliber, where each component is meticulously crafted and finished to the highest standards. The movement is a marvel of transparency, with its intricate network of bridges and gears seemingly floating in mid-air. At its heart lies the escapement, aptly named the 'Stairway to Heaven,' suspended in a mesmerizing aerial display.

    Courtesy of ArtyA
    Courtesy of ArtyA

    The visual effect is breathtaking. Light plays across the meticulously finished surfaces, highlighting the intricate details of the movement. The watch is a testament to ArtyA's commitment to pushing the boundaries of watch design while maintaining a level of functionality. The 40mm stainless steel case houses a highly legible dial, ensuring that the watch is not only a conversation starter but a practical timepiece as well.

    At the core of the Purity Stairway to Heaven beats an exclusive Swiss-made manufacture caliber, painstakingly designed and crafted by ArtyA in collaboration with Telos Watch. This movement isn't a modified stock movement; it's conceived and constructed from the ground up to achieve ArtyA's vision of transparency and purity.

    Here's where things get interesting. Typically, watch movements are built like layered cakes. Picture a base plate, then bridges, gears, dials, and so on, sandwiched one atop the other. The Purity caliber boldly shatters this mold. Instead of being stacked, the various components seem to emerge from nothingness, suspended in space, with everything anchored onto the structure of the case. It's almost like the movement is levitating within the watch.

    The most visually striking aspect of the movement is the 'Stairway to Heaven,' the name given to the suspended escapement. The escapement is the true heart of any mechanical watch, the part that regulates the release of energy from the mainspring, controlling the ticking that we hear. By suspending it in mid-air, ArtyA not only creates a captivating visual display, but it also reduces friction, improving mechanical efficiency.

    The caliber beats at a frequency of 4Hz, which translates to eight ticks per second, offering a smooth and steady operation. This frequency, along with the reduced size of the balance wheel, contributes to the watch's chronometric precision. Simply put, it's designed to be super accurate at keeping time.

    Courtesy of ArtyA
    Courtesy of ArtyA

    ArtyA went beyond eye-catching aesthetics to ensure the movement wouldn't be just a pretty face. It's equipped with a dual-barrel system, with the barrels working in parallel. Think of it as the watch having two fuel tanks instead of one. What are the benefits? Longer and thinner springs inside allow for a consistent flow of power over the watch's entire 72-hour power reserve. This means the watch's accuracy won't decline as it runs down, keeping time with reliable precision.

    Almost every part of the movement is skeletonized to an astonishing degree. Skeletonization involves the intricate and careful removal of material from the movement's components, leaving just enough to maintain structural integrity. This isn't merely for visual drama; it serves a practical purpose too. By reducing mass, it lowers inertia, which further enhances the accuracy and efficiency of the movement. Plus, it lets you geek out over how all those tiny gears work together!

    The skeletonized surfaces also open a world of possibilities for exquisite finishing. The bridges, meticulously beveled by hand, feature a unique, almost organic shape. Alternating matte and polished finishes throughout the movement create a sense of depth and a mesmerizing play of light. It's a feast for the eyes of any watch enthusiast.

    Courtesy of ArtyA
    Courtesy of ArtyA

    ArtyA takes no shortcuts when it comes to the quality of its components. The bridges, gears, and even the screws (which feature a custom ArtyA design) are all meticulously crafted and finished to ensure both long-term reliability and visual appeal. ArtyA's dedication to quality extends to the case of the watch. The stainless steel case, while seemingly simple at first glance, reveals intricately executed surfaces upon closer inspection. Alternating brushed, polished, and sandblasted textures create a captivating dance of light. The carbon fiber inserts on the case flanks are a subtle nod to ArtyA's early days when it pioneered the use of carbon fiber in watchmaking.

    ArtyA embraces individual taste, offering a degree of customization rarely seen in watches at this price range. The hand-crafted dials are available in multiple hues to suit your preference and the rubber strap can be easily swapped out for leather or nubuck if you prefer a more classic look.

    Taking customization further, ArtyA allows the client to choose between two different methods of regulating the hairspring (the delicate, coil-shaped part that controls the timing of the watch). Most brands opt for a standard regulation process. ArtyA gives clients the option for a 'traditional' method of adjustment, where minuscule inertia weights are tailored in reverse symmetry for an even higher degree of accuracy personalized to the wearer.

    Courtesy of ArtyA
    Courtesy of ArtyA

    The Purity Stairway to Heaven isn't just a piece of mechanical art; it's designed for everyday wear. The minimalist dial prioritizes legibility, with time read simply and easily under the double anti-reflective sapphire crystal. The watch is offered on an integrated rubber strap (other materials are available), offering secure and comfortable wearability, ready to handle whatever activities your day might bring.

    The ArtyA Purity Stairway to Heaven is more than a timepiece; it's a manifesto of the brand's unwavering dedication to innovation, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of beauty through transparency. It's a watch for those who refuse to settle, who crave something genuinely unique and executed to the highest technical standards. The Purity collection represents ArtyA's bold vision of what haute horlogerie can (and should) be. This timepiece is a testament that watchmaking is far from a stagnant art form; it's constantly evolving, driven by visionary makers like ArtyA.
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